Intergenerational Gardening
Intergenerational activities in the field of environment are vital! Not only for the climate, but also for the young and elderly, who have many benefits to share.
Meet the Roots and Shoots toolkit for intergenerational gardening projects, a document based on a project led by Leicester Ageing Together in Leicester since 2015.
This helpful guide shows the benefits of intergenerational gardening projects for the young and elderly that both need companionship and to feel understood.
In that sense, having an intergenerational garden in the ward has numerous benefits, as it enables young and elderly people to learn new skills from each other and give a sense of purpose as it reduces the isolation of the elderly and provides support for young people who do not have grandparents available for them.
To sum up, gardening is not only an ecological, economical and fun way to grow your own food and embellish green spaces, it also is very beneficial to fulfil both young and elderly people.
To see more about intergenerational gardening, here is the full toolkit: